Voir Play

Virtual Museum®

Create your imaginary exhibition: a Virtual Museum® of your entire collection.

Make way for the impossible. Go beyond the realms of a traditional museum tour with the immersive technology of Virtual Museum® and 3D scans of works of art.

Touch the pieces of art, reposition objects to see them as they would have been, piece together broken fragments, and reunite separated masterpieces or looted works of art. Everything becomes possible in this imaginary gallery created specifically for each collection. The Virtual Museum® is an interactive, educational and multiplayer experience in a customised, immersive environment.

Bring your art collection to life with 3D scans


A fully modular experience you can customise with stories that benefits from the high quality of our 3D scans of works of art for an unprecedented museum experience:

  • Works of art you can pick up and admire close up, right down to the smallest of details
  • Tour visitors can enjoy a shared experience thanks to the multiplayer feature
  • A wealth of opportunities for cultural mediation and novel interactions, from historical recontextualisation to the creation of imaginary galleries.

Impossible virtual experiences made possible



Give access to museum collections in storage

With immersive virtual tours, visitors can view collections hidden from public view.


Provide offsite experiences

Create a scenario for experiences to keep audiences engaged even after the museum tour.


Recontextualise or reunite works of art

An imaginary gallery with multiple cultural mediation opportunities, from digital anastylosis to the recontextualisation of historical objects.

salle VR escape bourdeilles
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